Friday, June 05, 2009

Heeeellloooo Blogosphere!

Ok! So here it is! My first official post!

I've finally managed to drag my prehistoric butt into the new age of the Internet and have decided to start blogging.

Don't know who will really bother reading, but what the heck, if anything this will serve as a digital notepad of
my experiences and thoughts as my memory is as bad as a leaky sieve (I can tell Futaba is already nodding away agreeing).

Anyways, this blog is just as it's title reads - BenZ Babbles... A collection of my babbles covering anything and everything I decide to write about. Music, TV, amusing events, random thoughts... Anything that takes me longer than 140 characters to write using Twitter. =)

Ok... Gotta finish off some work... Will post my first babble soon... Oh wait.. I just did! =)

EDIT - 20090619

Right... Since this is the very first post that I've ever done and that it's most likely going to be the most unreferenced page in my blog, I'm going to use this post as a little SEO experiment... Please excuse the following links as I'm going to try and do some link exchanging... Excuse the dust ok?

Link Market - Free Link Exchange, Link Swap and Link Trade Directory
Have you ever tried to exchange links, swap links, or trade links? Was it hard? Use link market instead; - it is easy to use, free and very smart. It will save you hours of work.

The Home Decorating Company
Retailers of bedding & home decor. Link partner for home improvement, construction, online, jobs, legal, lawyer, blogs, jewelry, web design & hosting, real estate, finance, financial, travel, business, shopping, gambling, insurance & mortgage sites

Mba Business Schools
The day has finally arrived when you are ready to move out of school and enter college and you have decided to go in for a business school.

The Water Fountains Company
Retailer of water fountains & ponds. Link partner for home improvement, construction, online, jobs, legal, lawyer, blogs, jewelry, web design & hosting, real estate, finance, financial, travel, business, shopping, gambling, insurance & mortgage site

The Wind Chime Company
Retailer of wind chimes. Link partner for home improvement, construction, online, jobs, legal, lawyer, blogs, jewelry, web design hosting, real estate, finance, financial, travel, business, shopping, gambling, insurance & mortgage, house site

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